National Informal STEM Education Network
NISE, the National Informal STEM Education Network, is a community of informal educators and scientists. They offer resources to support STEM education in informal settings in communities around the country. The newsletter is available to informal STEM educators and contains many activities, programs, and development opportunities each month.
NASA Museum and Informal Education Alliance
Libraries, youth-serving organizations such as Scouts, Boys and Girls Clubs, and out of school organizations such as afterschool and summer programs are all eligible for free membership in NASA's Museum and Informal Education Alliance. members have access to NASA materials, some of which are not open to the general public, as well as news and programming surrounding NASA missions and activities. Many other types of organizations are also eligible, check the site for details.
Girls STEAM Ahead with NASA
NASA provides a resource for community-based organizations to stage events that explore the wonders of NASA science, and celebrate the contributions of women to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
Girl Scouts and Physics: Making a Change in the Community
Gabriella Wilkerson of Northampton earned her Girl Scout Gold Award by creating free and fun resources for students in grades 4-8. The kits feature science experiments in both English and Spanish along with two videos.
Read more … Girl Scouts and Physics: Making a Change in the Community
Reach for the Stars
14th Annual RFTS Competition
Kids have missed out on far too much already.
When they return give them something exciting to look forward to – a Rocket Competition!
This year’s deadline extended to December 31
Latinas in STEM
The founders of Latinas in STEM are first generation American women who have been the first in their family to attend college. We are also MIT graduates with careers in industry and a long track record of community service.
We know first-hand that there are barriers to entry for women in STEM fields. Those barriers are compounded for Latinas due to a lack of role models, lagging outreach and overall limited parental awareness. We are a force from the community for the community to inspire and empower parents and K-12 students to pursue STEM fields, and to help college students and professionals thrive in their careers.
The Ameliators Program
Founded at Purdue University, the Ameliators Program continues the trailblazing legacy of Amelia Earhart by connecting high school students to meaningful STEM-based community service projects. Available nationwide, girls in this free, online program will meet weekly to learn the Purdue EPICS (Engineering Projects in Community Service) design process from college mentors to solve real-life problems in their local communities over the course of an academic year.
National Girls Collaborative Project
The vision of the National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) is to bring together organizations throughout the United States that are committed to informing and encouraging girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

Help Girls Learn to Code and Change the World
Start a Free Girls Who Code Club in Your Community
Girls Who Code are an international nonprofit seeking to inspire, educate and equip girls with the computing skills to pursue 21st century opportunities.